Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama Works - York Event

On Sunday, September 21, 2008 community service-oriented group Obama Works supported local community gardening efforts with a work day. A group of about 10 volunteers assisted in weeding, and other common garden tasks. 

The man whose vision is behind the community garden was not able to be there physically, but his generousity and thoughtfulness pervaded the area. 
As neighborhood residents visited the garden picking fresh tomatoes and green peppers, Obama Works volunteers encouraged any and all to be sure and register to vote. Voter registration ends for Pennsylvanians on October 6, 2008. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fewer than 50 days to the Vote - Time to get involved.

In York, the Barack Obama Headquarters is located at 200 W. Market St. in the downtown area not far from the Central Farmers Market. The hours of operation are roughly 9am to 9pm. The phone number there is (717) 397 - 6863.

On Saturday, September, 20, 2008 at 10 am at the square in downtown Red Lion Obama Works (a group focused on getting the word out about their candidate by getting out in the community and doing public service work) will be hosting a Clean Up. Volunteers are welcome and should contact the Barack Obama for President York, PA Headquarters at (717) 397 - 6863. Volunteers will be sweeping and picking up trash. There will be a table and personnel to help those interested or in need to register to vote. Voter registration for Pennsylvanians will end October 6, 2008. Register now.  >> More information is available at: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/44sf4

On Sunday, September, 21, 2008 at 1 pm off Beaver St. - North of the Philadelphia St. connection - Obama Works will be doing some landscaping at a [be specific] park. Volunteers are welcome and should contact the Barack Obama for President York, PA Headquarters at (717) 397 - 6863.