Occupy the dinning room table, join your family and friends for a meal, a time together, and a reawakening if you can. Getting a few days break from the grind, not to mention, getting together with those you trust, who know you, and that you love, makes this time of year a thanks-worthy celebration. I hope you and yours are able to enjoy the season, here are a few of my reasons for doing just that...
6 Reasons I (and you) have for being Thankful this November, 2011
Travel. Many of us will be traveling this week for the Thanksgiving Holiday. They say time heals alll wounds, but how about the road? There is little else that can instantly give us lift as changing scenery. Getting into new spaces, familiar spaces, and exiting the day-to-day situation often provides a new perspective (on lots of things). I say, bring it on. Enjoy the road, and enjoy the new view.
Family and friends. From surfing through old photo albums at your parent's house, to that story that your family tells about that you just can''t seem to shake, your tales of the past, the people who know you, and the reasons they have for loving you anyway make celebrating T-Giving with the Fam. and must do (and a delight).
Food. The turkey, the tofu, or whatever it is that you're eating this week, it's always good to be eating. There are plenty around us that often do go without. It is a bit pathetic, and a little ironic that we live in a time and a country that boasts of being so great, and yet we struggle with the basic fundamentals of this life, including eating well. We often have too many, and agree to, too many bad choices about food. Eat well. Live well. (Remind me to do the same). And, be thankful.
Purpose. While maybe sounding a little contradictory to the last point, I'll share one of my favorite quotes from the bible, which happens to be about food. It's John 4:34, and the context is more or less that some disciples are encouraging Jesus to eat some food. To which he says, "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish his work." That always smacks me as the kind of thing that a guy with laser-focus, and the cojones to disregard any and all other distractions would say. It's not that he's skipping lunch that impresses me. It's more that he's saying, I don't give a rip about food, or anything else until I get this other thing done. That to me (pun!) takes the cake.
(Sidenote: You might say, this kind of blind passion is dangerous. Chances are you either see him as a bit of a lunatic or the total BA that I do. Point is, ... ) Whatever it is that motivates you to do what you do, to have real passion for it, is pretty impressive.
Tradition. Whether you've got a Thanksgiving Day football game to play, watch, or another (movie watching perhaps) tradition for celebrating the pilgrims progress, traditions help remind us of the things that really matter in life. Giving thanks for these rare glimpses are something that I am - and I believe, you too - are thankful for.
You tell me... I've primed the pump and could keep going, but this is a social medium afterall. I am ruthlessly thankful for conversation. I'm a very inclusive person - though I may ask you to keep the dog outside - allergies. Getting people together - and hearing from people - is definately something I'm thankful for. A.K.A. the conversation is something I'm not only thankful for, I'm desirous of. So, let me hear 'em. You have 2, 3, how many things to be thankful for? Plenty I'm sure. Let us know what you are thankful for, if you will. And, thanks for reading!