It is true I would like to get away from television, but some silly Yahoo writer posted their ridiculousness and I had to do my part to help set them straight.
Their article: Project Dumbway
A Voice of Reasons REsponse: Whatever. Do you even watch the show, letter writer? Probably not.
The RunWay (aka Project Runway) is ever-evolving, just like fashion is ever-evolving. The only thing that has worn off is the new bright shininess of the experience. Past winners, and almost winners that you mentioned, that we apparently love (and in cases actually do) have not been head and shoulders above the latest competitors, we've just started to get over it being an entirely new and unique experience.
Think about it, once you've heard Santino Rice impersonate Tim Gunn are newbies go bring anything to it? No. When RunWay hit the scene four-five years ago it was like nothing we'd ever seen. It wasn't undie-clad, dirtball contestants wrestling for an idol, it was people actually creating something. They were using their brains!
To add to the shininess of it, contestants on RunWay had talent, and they were working in a field that interested a new group - the art crowd. Disclaimer: other shows (TopDesign) have begun to capitalize on the recipe, but Bravo tried slapping show after show together and pitching 'em to viewers at hyperspeed. Let it grow naturally.
The genuis of RunWay is part show recipe, part contestant talent, and a heaping dose of voyeurism. Don't blame the contestants for the responsibilities of the show. But thanks to you too, don't let the contestants off the hook. As Kenly found out - it takes more than good looks &/or talent (not saying she had miles to ride those - though she is cute), but in order to succeed people need to like you too.
When to Use AI: Lessons From My Fave Library
6 months ago
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