Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Online Personalization Creates Echo Chamber to Affirm Biases


The Echo Chamber...

Natasha Singer for the New York Times writes that, "If we don't chip away at the insulation of consensus, they caution, the promise of the World Wide Web could give way to a netherworld of narcissism Net."

In the article The Trouble with the Echo Chamber Online Mrs Singer highlights thoughts from The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You; and discusses with the book author and board President Eli Pariser how current media insulation is creating siloed experiences for users. Essentially what they're talking about are the downsides of personalization of the web.. in particular data collection and cataloged recognition that influences search results in Google (Amazon, etc.).

It's an interesting article and likely an interesting book. Fragmentation of publics do to splintered media and gross availability of ideologically-specific content has been a predicted threat for some time. It would be interesting yet to know that Mr. Pariser might add to the discussion in his book.

Posted via email from Chris Drinkut Online

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