Still sorting through this, but anticipate requesting the upgrade ( link provided below). Facebook innovations, and improvements to service and layout are like windows software updates - new updates each week. The cycle of change is really impressive.
Amplify’d from
A New Introduction
The profile begins with a quick overview of basic information such as where you're from, where you went to school, and where you work—the kinds of conversation starters you share with people you've just met or exchange with old friends as you get reacquainted.
Featured Friends
You can now highlight the friends who are important to you, such as your family, best friends or teammates. Create new groups of friends, or feature existing friends lists. I opted to feature my Ultimate Frisbee teammates, giving the rest of my friends a way to learn more about that part of my life.
Read more at blog.facebook.comWe're really excited about the new profile. We're rolling it out gradually and plan to get it to everyone by early next year. You can upgrade immediately or learn more about the new features on this page:
When to Use AI: Lessons From My Fave Library
6 months ago
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